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Eat Pray Love [2010]

I guess the best way to describe this movie would be to say that it’s not for every taste. It might appeal more to women of a certain age, and probably to those who are familiar with the book. I’ve never read the book, but I can honestly say that I enjoyed “Eat Pray Love” despite all its faults. It’s a perfect showcase for Julia Roberts who plays an unhappy married woman who, after her divorce, decides to travel around the world in order to find herself. The whole movie is a journey of self discovery in which Robert’s character discovers great food, beautiful locations, and even love. It’s a long journey, and I think it’s the reason why I lost interest in the story towards the end; they could have easily trimmed a bit. But still, and unlike most of the reviews I’ve read, “Eat Pray Love” is actually not bad at all. Hadi Subiyanto steals the show as a balinese shaman called Ketut (he’s amazing!).

 Rating: 2.5/4